Why your business needs a website


Are you wondering if it is still essential, in 2020, to have a company website? We’ll tell you right away: absolutely yes, and today we’re going to find out why together!

7 reasons why websites are indispensable for companies

1. Be found by the buyer persona

Search engines are the first tool used by users to find information on their future purchases : if your site is not present on Google, you are losing a lot of potential leads! Having a website optimized from an SEO perspective, in fact, means being found much more easily by your buyer persona.

2. Retain customers

Another reason why you shouldn’t give up on your website is the ability to build customer loyalty through a content marketing strategy that would be impossible without a blog, call-to-actions, and landing pages. Only through an effective inbound strategy , in fact, will you be able to carry yourself as an expert in the sector and create a relationship of trust with your target!

3. Offer updates 24/7

Furthermore, a constantly updated site represents the most effective and economical showcase for showing potential – and current – ​​customers the progress of your company. If once the only solution were brochures or flyers, which required frequent graphic updates and important economic investments, today through the site you can update every detail at no cost and offer a 24/7 customer service with chatbots !

4. Strengthen your brand identity

Furthermore, the website represents the best ally to strengthen your brand identity , making your brand recognizable . But that’s not all: on the site you would also have the opportunity to influence the perception of your brand, through digital storytelling and reviews from your customers !

5. Live up to expectations

By fortifying your brand identity, you will also increase its credibility and offer the image of a professional company, in step with the times. In fact, your customers, now accustomed to technology and online shopping, expect a website from you that can be consulted before any purchase, as a synonym of reliability.

6. Maximize ROI

The site also allows you to create an e-commerce or a catalog in which to sell your products through a modern form of corporate outsourcing. Such a solution can dramatically increase your company’s revenues and ROI , especially if well supported by an effective inbound marketing , SEO and lead generation strategy !

7. Facilitate the social strategy

Finally, remember that social media should always support the content on your website, and vice versa. In doing so, if the site will allow you to create direct interaction with the various social platforms , the latter will increase traffic to it, simplifying the generation of new leads!

If you want to contact an information company for the creation of your site. Consider visiting this link: https://secuserv.ch

7 tips to increase traffic to your site

As we have already seen, the website represents the digital showcase of your business : therefore, the higher the quality traffic, the higher the chances of conversion.

That’s why today we’re going to look at some tactics to increase it!

Creating traffic on the site: the 7 golden rules

1. Follow SEO best practices

First of all, to increase organic traffic, pay attention to site optimization for search engines ( SEO ) , through:

  • The optimization of titles, URLs, meta-descriptions and ‘header tags’;
  • The use of keywords, redirects and ‘canonical tags’;
  • Updating the sitemap;
  • Fast and intuitive navigation ;
  • Optimization for mobile devices .

2. Create quality content

Next, develop an inbound strategy that allows you to post valuable content .

Blog articles , in this sense, include quality formats, relevant to the interests of your buyer persona , such as:

  • Sector news;
  • case studies;
  • Answers to user problems;
  • Guides and tutorials.

3. Rely on Social

Also, don’t underestimate the use of social networks to increase ‘referral traffic’ , but use them to:

  • Share viral or educational site content in an original way , with customized descriptions and hashtags;
  • Study the social strategies of your competitors to draw inspiration from them ;
  • Focus on gamification, through quizzes , surveys or contests that involve users and drive traffic to the site.

 4. Opt for ‘evergreen’ content

But also remember that, when it comes to inbound , one cannot help but think of the creation of ‘evergreen’ content that can be updated over time, such as:

  • Practical guides and tutorials;
  • Product or service reviews;
  • Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ).

 5. Offer added value

Besides that, for lead generation purposes , we also recommend offering users free premium content in exchange for their contact information , such as:

  • Templates;
  • Tutorials and guides;
  • E-books and whitepapers.

Another indispensable tactic is link building , i.e. building a network of valuable links between your site and others in the sector , which can be:

  • Internal , by inserting links to other pages of the site on the page, so as to improve internal ranking and increase traffic;
  • External , by placing the link of your content on well-known sites in the sector, exposing it to a wider audience.

7. Monitor Online Reputation

Did you know that 91% of consumers look at online reviews before making a purchase? ( BrightLocal, 2020 ).

That’s why your brand’s reputation on the web is also crucial in terms of traffic and you should monitor it through tools like Mention or AnswerThePublic , so as to even identify new ideas for your content!