How can I do my dissertation?

How can I do my dissertation

Writing a dissertation or a thesis is not easy, nevertheless, it doesn’t mean you should go through irritation when it comes to writing one. If you have the right knowledge and tools, writing a thesis can be very educational and exciting for you. 

 If you choose a topic for the first time, make sure to read about it thoroughly. Furthermore, you would need to educate yourself on past and present papers that were published by other credible writers, even though, once you’ve read and explored what your topic is about, hence, you should start analyzing how to compile and present it. Ask your peers and teachers how you can add more data to your dissertation, henceforth read carefully as the following next steps will be crucial for your thesis. 

Find a Research Topic

Maybe you’re one of the students who need a helping in finding an ideal research topic. In such a case, Dissertation Guru can help you. You should be looking for a topic that interests you. Look for a clear unique topic that asks questions. Find similar research articles or dissertations regarding it. See if those topics answer your questions are not. Analyze how you can make relevant changes in those answers, furthermore, if there cannot be any changes then you’ve chosen the wrong topic. As simply asking unique questions is not enough you have to add value to your answers. If you struggle with your topic look up other academic articles with similar data. You should keep in mind that you’re not just writing for your curiosity. Your research in the end should be contributing to that field as well.

Writing the Proposal

The main job of your proposal is to be convincing enough for the committee you’ll be presenting it to, although, you might not have all the findings in your proposal. Albeit, you should have enough relevant material to show them you have mapped out everything. Show them your proposal is worth it and convincing enough for approval. Should you need help, Dissertation Guru has the best field of experts to help you with your proposal.

Start the Introduction

If you are one of those students who ponder the question of how am I going to do my dissertation when you have no idea how to and where to start it. The proposal was good enough to be approved. Now you need to start the opening sequence of your report. Besides, you now have at least enough relevant material to start the introduction. In the introduction, you will explain brief research on the background of the problem. Mention a brief history of the topic. Start with questions like why and what. Explain the problem statement. Present your ideas and research methods. Define the purpose and goals of your research. Make sure to have the whole context summarized into two paragraphs. Your introduction should be concise, not lengthy.

Explain how this study of yours will answer the questions in your thesis. additionally, make sure whatever you conveyed to the reader was significant enough regarding the initial topic, furthermore, stay convincing enough to sell your article to the reader so decisions can be made on whether to read the whole dissertation or not.

Literature Review

When writing dissertations, you should have multiple similar studies open in front of you. Thereby, you will need to be very concentrated when looking up other literature reviews. It will of course be very time-consuming for you. You will be having a hard time processing all that comprehensive literature. After completing your research. You will start writing your literature review by compiling all the theories in different articles. Write a convincing theory on how your findings will solve the problems in that research.

Start your methodology, it will explain how you did the whole research. Provide enough information in your methodology. You will be explaining how you collected and analyzed the data. Provide information on the tools and materials you used. Discuss the difficult barriers that came your way and how you overcame them. Thus, try to give a detailed analysis of when and where your research started. Justify the methods you chose as you might end up asking yourself, dissertation help UK has enough methodology data to carry on or not.


Only present results which are relevant to your topic. Start by explaining the problem statement and purpose of your research. Do not just dump irrelevant data in it. Reporting everything would not be feasible for your dissertation. Only use key findings that support your hypothesis. You should include a hypothesis that would answer the questions in your research. Your results should have detailed charts and graphs that would explain your and others’ results. Make sure to always present your results in the past tense. Don’t write long and boring paragraphs, stay brief and concise in your findings. You would briefly explain what the reader will see in this chapter.


This is the part where you explain why your findings are necessary and important in that field. Explain and evaluate that your results are in support of your literature review. You can start the discussion by forming a summary of your results. Give an interpretation of what your results mean. You should imply the fact of why your results matter. Describe the limitations of your results. Remember that any claim you make in your research should be strongly backed by your data. Do not add any extra results to your discussion. Your discussion should only evaluate the findings of the previous results you mentioned.

Present your key findings directly concerning your research topic. However, you will then be interpreting your key findings with the existing research literature. Although do not draw any conclusions when writing a discussion. Describe the limitations of your study. Discuss how your findings can bring changes in that field. Tell the reader how and when to use these findings in real life. Explain in the end how studies In the future can benefit from your research.

End With Conclusion

Now, even though, you should have completed your results and discussions. Your conclusion will be a summary of your entire findings mentioned above, accordingly, You will be answering all the relevant questions asked in your research article. Answers should be concise and with proof of your theories. Tell the reader about the limitations that occurred in your study, whether, you didn’t have enough budget or access to proper tools. Explain the weaknesses you saw in this study. Give accurate responses on how your suggestions can be used. Do not make any bold claims as you will be only suggesting your data in your dissertation. Give suggestions to readers for the future, on how they can do better research with keeping the limitation you had endured. Use words and language in your research that are understandable easily. You don’t want people closing your report on being too hard to read.

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Topic Conclusion

You now know writing a dissertation is not easy. Given the right guidelines you can write up a proper feasible thesis, hence, you should practice writing at least a thousand words each week. Have keen knowledge regarding the topic you chose. Dissertations are lengthy and your readers will lose interest if what you wrote wasn’t interesting. You should be well-educated on the topic and the way to write. Or weeks of hard work will go to waste.