Top 5 Reasons to choose React Native Development for your Business


No matter how big or small your business is, you just need a mobile app. Native apps are a fantastic way to stand out in the competitive business environment of today. React Native app development services can be expensive and time-consuming so many companies opt to create cross-platform apps. React Native app developers are the first to mention cross-platform app developments.

What is React Native?

With the open-source JavaScript framework React Native, you can use the same code base to develop apps for both iOS and Android. It is built on React and provides all the power of React for mobile app development.

ReactJS (website) and React Native were both created by Facebook (mobile). The company’s largest issue was maintaining two code bases, therefore React Native was created as part of a Hackathon to address it. When creating a big app, maintaining two code bases proved challenging. Common occurrences include work duplication and the need to fix the same problem using two different methods.

Top 5 Reasons to Pick React Native for Mobile Application Development

1. Cross-platform compatibility

React Native was initially only available for iOS. However, due to its outstanding features, Facebook decided that it should be available for Android.

No matter what platform you use, most APIs are cross-platform so React Native developers do not have to make large coding changes every single time.

2. Faster Development Process

React Native’s faster development is one of the key reasons it was chosen in this highly competitive market. Thanks to the “live reloading”, developers can save time when compiling code.

The code changes are immediately visible. Additionally, iOS and Android share the same code base. This combination increases development time and allows for the use of many reusable components and tools.

3. Amazing Performance

React Native’s bridge approach is revolutionary in comparison to other cross-platform development options. The framework’s separate thread can achieve performance enhancement and improvement.

4. Code that can be reused

Cross-platform mobile app development means that written code can be reused for both iOS or Android apps. React Native is the same. It’s based on the principle of “write once, published everywhere”.

The code can be reused on both platforms for 90% of its functionality, which results in significant speed-ups and increased efficiency.

5. Flexible

React Native apps can be used and maintained on different platforms. This makes it an extremely flexible framework. React Native allows for two developers to work simultaneously on the same code. The other developer can jump in at any moment and continue where the first left off, without any confusion.

Is react Native possible for web application development?

React Native is not compatible with web app development, but React JS developers can create web apps.

Facebook created React JS, an open-source JavaScript library that allows you to quickly and efficiently create rich and engaging web apps using minimal coding. React JS’s main goal is to provide the best rendering performance.

ReactJS was created by Facebook in 2011 to facilitate its use. It was first used in 2012 by Facebook subsidiary Instagram. Facebook made React JS open-source in 2013. The field of web application development has changed as a result. For the creation of web applications, many Fortune 500 firms have embraced React JS. More than 10 million web pages and 40.14 percent of developers have used React JS. Top companies such as Uber, PayPal, and Instagram use ReactJS to address user interface issues.

Why use React Native?

React Native is a solid framework for customer-facing apps. It doesn’t heavily rely on OS-specific integrations and features, such as AR or VR, and it doesn’t require complicated design or animations to gain a competitive advantage. React Native makes them easy to develop and provides sufficient support to help you create a robust app.

React is a good web tool to help you build a React Native app.

These are the top 7 things to consider when choosing a framework for your app’s mobile application:

React Native is the clear winner when you consider all these factors.

React Native is a popular choice

A quick look at npm trends reveals that developers are still interested in React Native.

Are React and JS the same thing?

React JS is a JavaScript library that allows you to build large web applications’ user interfaces. This library is an open-source project that was developed and maintained mainly by Facebook. It is especially useful in creating dynamic web pages that can process data in real-time and display the changes without the need for a reload.

React Native is used in many famous applications

React Native is a hot topic today. React Native was created in an internal Facebook hackathon. It is now a global phenomenon. It has been adopted by many companies over the years because of its simplicity and ability to build cross-platform apps.

Here are some React Native examples

1. Facebook

React Native powers Facebook’s News Feed today. They were able to reduce the time required to load and present content to users.

2. Bloomberg

Bloomberg application is for finance and global business news. Before React Native, development teams at Bloomberg had to spend a lot of time creating iOS and Android app versions. This caused delays. React Native makes the development process faster and easier for Bloomberg developers.

3. Instagram

React Native is also a popular tool for Instagram. The team integrated React Native into the app in 2016. The team started with a view. After a push notification, they moved to other parts of the app. Because Instagram’s interface is user-friendly, the implementation process went very smoothly.

4. Walmart

Walmart is the largest retailer in the world. Walmart is constantly experimenting with new technologies to improve customer experience. Walmart updated its mobile app with React Native to meet customer demand. This transformation has improved the performance of both iOS and Android.

5. Uber Eats

Uber’s first version was for the web. However, the team wanted to expand to Android and iOS with React Native.

They had a strong mobile infrastructure to help with the transition to native environments. The framework also gave Uber more options because it combined mobile and web development, and allows features to both be written in JavaScript and natively.

What is React Native?

React Native uses a combination of JavaScript and JXL. This unique markup language is similar to XML. It can connect to threads in both JavaScript-based and native app realms.

What is the communication mechanism?

React Native uses a bridge. Even though JavaScript is written in separate languages, Native threads are constructed in the same language. However, bidirectional communication is possible thanks to the bridge.

5 top benefits of React Native apps

These are just a few of the reasons why React Native is preferred by many successful businesses.

1. Cost Efficiency

React Native is one of the most cost-effective cross-platform app development frameworks. React Native allows developers to create apps for iOS and Android with the same code.

This means that you can hire one React Native developer for your company rather than two separate Android and iOS developers to complete your project. This results in a lower cost of mobile app development due to the time that is saved during development and deployment. This is one of React Native’s key benefits and one of the main reasons it’s so popular with SMEs.

2. Simple UI

React Native Technology’s implementation ensures that users have a simple mobile interface. This is what drove its widespread adoption. Javascript is more like an open-source framework than a standard framework. This technology allows developers to create apps in a specific sequence.

React Native apps are more responsive, have a seamless user experience, and load faster. React Native’s reactive UI and component-based approach make it ideal for creating simple or complex apps.

3. Good Community

React Native is a community-driven framework that allows you to seek advice from other developers and find relevant information. It can also be used to assist developers having problems with something.

Statista reports that React Native is the most widely used cross-platform framework. It has a 42% adoption rate and over 102k stars. Open-source platforms make it easy for developers to create frameworks. This gives them an advantage.

4. Native Look

Native development components map 1:1 with React Native components. The app’s native user interface elements are combined with JavaScript to create a natural-like appearance.

The app’s look and feel are consistent across both iOS and Android because they use the same building blocks.

5. Hot and Live Reloading

React Native supports both Hot and Live Reloading. Live Reloading allows coders to compile and view their changes. The simulator also receives a new file. It then starts to read the app.

React Native is committed to providing developers with the best experience. React Native’s fast reloading is one of its best features. It takes less than one second to save a file or see the changes.

This allows you to keep your app running even while you modify the files. You will not lose any data if you modify the user interface.

React NativeUI Kits

We are compiling a list of the best React Native UI Kits for designers and developers to use when developing their next mobile project.

To develop mobile apps quicker, you can use the React Native UI kits below:

  • Native Base
  • Shoutem
  • React Native elements
  • React Native Material User Interface
  • React Native Material Kit
  • Nachos UI
  • UI Kitten
  • React Native Paper

React Native has a lot more UI kits than its cross-platform competitors. These technologies make it easier and faster to build React Native apps.

React Native – Latest Version

React Native released version 0.68 in March 2022. React Native’s 0.68 version is the first to include an opt-in switch within the new template. This milestone in the New Architecture Rollout is significant.

You can test the New Architecture by simply changing one line of the template. To make it easier to use, the template has been enhanced with extensive comments and documentation. It will make it much easier to move to the New Architecture, as you won’t have to write as much code.

You can enable the New Architecture on either platform by:

  • Run RCT_NEW_ARCH_ENABLED=1 in iOS. Install the bundle execute pod within the ios
  • You can set the newArchEnabled attribute on Android to true via either:
  • Changing the line in the android/ file that corresponds.
  • Set the ORG_GRADLE_PROJECT_newArchEnabled=trueenvironment variable.
  • Invoke Gradle with -PnewArchEnabled=true.

You can then use yarn react-native or run-ios for your app to run. This will use Fabrics and TurboModules.


React Native is a leading cross-platform development platform. We are confident that it will be successful because of all the reasons and benefits. React Native is sure to evolve thanks to the support of Facebook and thousands more contributors. This will make the app development process faster, cheaper, easier, more enjoyable, and even more cost-effective.

React Native is the best choice for your mobile app development project. Get in touch with us now to hire React Native developers.