Understanding the Mobile App Development Life Cycle

mobile app development
mobile app development

You can create a mobile app, but there is no guarantee it being a successful venture for your business. But success is inevitable if you follow the right pattern, plan, and principles for creating one. Mobile App Development Agency is among the significant protocols you must follow to create phone software. Today, we’ll enlighten you further about the app’s life cycle involving the IT department’s role.

There are two terms when discussing IT concerning our topic: SDLC and ADLC. Let’s define them below:

Software Development Life Cycle, or SDLC, defines the software development process. The stages are identical to those that comprise the life cycle for app development (ADLC). It describes how any qualified IT company develops mobile apps. The entire process of creating phone software includes five critical steps. These are research, concept, programming, launch, and restoration.

Six stages of Android Mobile App Development life cycle

Apart from the fundamental mobile app development procedures in the pecking order, the life cycle phases follow a success hierarchy. It is as follows:

1. App’s Discovery stage

At first, you think you know everything. But suddenly, all your ideas and expectations fade away as soon as you meet your app’s designer and developer. It would help if you answered their questions quickly – and in succession. These professionals indeed interrogate you only for your app’s success. For instance, how many users with different job roles and app users can have login credentials? Which mobile OS do you want better optimization (Android or iOS)? Which smartphone screens’ do you prefer for your app’s interface resolution? Remember, several questions such as these will surface during your one-to-one meeting with them.

Hence, we conclude that the discovery phase involves translating the app’s complex terminologies. The developer conveys the complex app creation and life cycle phase in the most straightforward words.

A well-thought-out discovery phase consists of the following procedures:

  • Competitor Analysis
  • App Functions and Feature Mapping
  • Enlisting App’s Technical Tools
  • Managing Expenditures
  • Completing tasks before deadlines

2. App’s Design phase

After completing the enquiring part of your app, it’s time to give it a face – its unique look and feel. Professional app developers help in making your app stand out from the crowd. They craft their visual appeal by following three vital steps. They are as follows:

     i.        Sketching

Making a simple graphic of the app user interface on your phone is the first step (UI). You will better understand the market position of your business apps. Therefore, in step one, you should clearly and vividly respond to the questions. The designers will also contrast the exterior of your app. Additionally, consider the central concept, vital components, and specific categories of the application. They can use it to create a better app identity.

Additionally, this phase is crucial for developers and other experts to continue forward. Remember that creating several draughts will help you choose the finest one. They will draught a hand-drawn concept for your app while keeping in mind its key idea.

    ii.        Wireframe Setup

The next step is to transfer the app’s running files to a computer screen or tablet to commence its black-and-white modeling process. But remember, the app’s overall appearance will still look crude. Don’t worry because this phase is without content and color composition. Besides, this step is about setting up the app’s design and development foundation.

  iii.        Defining Prototype(s)

The design’s final stage is all about creating clickable prototype app models. It means you’re ready to move to the next phase. Remember, the back-end phase is still in its early development stages, so don’t expect much from the dummy app. The app might not work correctly amid its ongoing evolving phase. So, there’s nothing wrong if it lags and reveals glitches.

3. The Development Phase

Now the design is ready, but it’s still a lot of work to turn a model into a fully-functional product. This is where programmers step into the game and code all the necessary features.

Since the design is ready, you should begin working on its features and functionality. It’s time for the programmers to step up the app game. They should start coding every critical command and programming keynotes to compose a refined app successfully.

The breakdown of the development phase is into the following two parts:

The front-end

The user interface is where a person using the program experiences a finished product. The front developer must safeguard an excellent user experience backed with a straightforward user interface.

The back-end

It is the most complex part of the app’s development phase. Thus, it requires a highly skilled professional to complete the task. The back end is principally the coding that a layperson cannot observe yet is vital to keep the app alive and functioning. This part of the app is responsible for carrying out specific intricate tasks. These comprise functionality, calculation, and app feature reliability.

4. Mobile App’s Quality Assurance

The next step is to ensure the app is working correctly. An elite team of designers, developers, and mobile app enthusiasts join forces to create a jury. Sadly, many IT companies skip this critical step and move on to the SDLS phase. It is a fact that without these manual and automated steps, it’s impossible to give a verdict on the app. A prime example is someone writing a social media post without correcting the vocabulary and grammatical errors.

5. App Launch

Finally, after thoroughly checking the app, it’s time to release it to the public. But before you press the green button, make sure you’ve double-checked everything on and in it.

6. App Updates & Maintenance

Remember, you cannot enjoy leisure time or a holiday in the countryside forever after the app is released. It would be best if you kept its top-notch performance momentum with regular maintenance and updates.

Life Cycle in a Nutshell

App’s life cycle begins by researching the market and what your target audience likes the most. Next, you must gather the technical data and create a feature map to help you with the smooth app creation process. Sketching and wireframes are two components of the same skeleton. Ensure your app’s front and back end come together for the perfectly performing catalyst effect. Launch the app and deploy it on the most favorable platforms. Lastly, maintain the app with 24/7 customer care support and regulate app updates consistently.