Methods for Publishing Research Papers

This article will assist you to create as well as publish your research papers. In the case of Research Scholars doing Ph.D., it is required to publish their research papers in international journals. A large number of students applying to further study in technical programs will find that published research papers aid in admissions. This is why we’re trying to give you some guidelines you could be following…
1. Preliminary
The first step to publishing technical papers is to determine the technical field of your interest. Be sure you’ve done enough research on the basics of this topic. You must then keep up to date with current technological advancements in your area. This can be done by
1.) Searching and reading many technical papers. There are plenty of publications and IEEE papers scattered around the online.
2.) Visit one or more of the conferences and listen to the most engaging talks, and learn what the audience is thinking about.
If you have completed the steps above after which you will be eligible to write a research paper.
2. Check out the papers that are already in use.
Check out everything relevant to you, as it gives you a new perspective of the subject. Be careful, however, in order to not get too away from your topic of importance. Learning to use simulation software is a great way to simulate your job. There is a lot of time during the week and make the most of holidays and empty days.
3. A jump start
As you begin to pick a new field Ask your colleague which conferences and journals are in your field. Also, request an overview of the most crucial papers to study. This exercise can give you an opportunity to get started.
4. Break the jargon and terms
One of the most difficult hard to crack is understanding the work written by someone else. The most effective way to do this is to read it several times. The more times you read it, the more information will be made clear to you. Keep the Internet accessible to help you understand those jargons, terms, and phrases that may seem odd.
5. Note down your notes from your studies
Note down your thoughts about interesting issues, possible solutions, random thoughts and references to search for notes from papers you’ve read, outline of your papers to write along with interesting and insightful quotes. Go through it frequently. Keep a record of your research and thoughts is extremely useful.
6. Pieces and bits
It is now possible to identify problems that remain unsolved in your field , and you’ll be aware of what you’re doing and the things you need to complete. The more you explore through your thoughts, you’ll see that random thoughts begin to join together and create an outline, which might be bright enough to make an excellent research paper.
7. Simulation software’s that make life easier
Don’t choose too exciting topics. Instead, you should choose the size of the issue. Take the Matlab files on the Internet that are relevant to your subject and then simulate the desired results. Don’t expect to find Mfiles to be readily accessible for a solution to be published in a journal. However, you can create your own solution by adding and modifying. I can assure you that Matlab is an extremely simple tool! When you’re capable of obtaining the simulated results of your program and continue to work on it, you are able to go on with the creation of a paper of it.
8. The essence of your work
The core of your work can be identified by looking at the following points. It is possible to increase the quality of your paper by enhancing these.
Relevance: Why was this task completed? Did you resolve a crucial issue of interest to you or is it a trivial or outdated issue?
Innovation/Novelty: Is your method unique or is it tried and true? Do you require new tools, whether physical or analytical?
Completeness: Have you tried an array of scenarios or is this an unsubstantiated proof of concept?
Correct Does your solution sound technically sound, or their mistakes? [3]
Think about ways to improve the same.
9. Anatomy of Paper
The typical paper can be divided into seven sections with up to four pages. They are
1. Abstract,
2. Introduction,
3. Techniques in use,
4. Your contribution
5. Results and
6. Conclusion.
10. The process
In your publication on paper, You can begin capturing the techniques that are already in use in the scrapbook you made during your studies. In this section, you must discover the methods available to solve this particular issue and also the pros and cons of them.
After that, you should write the introduction to explain the subject and the steps you will do. It is better to keep it brief. Then, you can follow your contribution and the results that you have simulated.
1. Explain the problem
2. Make sure you list your contributions

The abstract is one of the sections you can focus on during the final one, as it must be able to cover all sections quickly. Be aware that the Abstract is the part that allows the committee members to decide whether or whether to go through your essay. In general, four lines are enough to be read by committee members.
1. Make a list of the issue.
2. Tell us why this is an interesting question
3. What is your solution?
4. Tell us what you learned from your solution
11. Section by section
The divide-and conquer strategy can be applied in a daily-to-day manner too. Instead of writing a complete essay, you should focus on writing a section or outline. Rememberthat each job you accomplish will help you finish your essay.
12. Take a look at the pre-review
Your essay is now complete. It is possible to ask your friends or professors to read your essay. The next step is finding the appropriate location to publish it. It is possible to start with national level conferences which are usually held in numerous universities. Once you have confidence, you are able to move on into international conference and journal.
13. Take the time to read the reviews thoroughly
This is really very, very difficult. A small percentage between 5 and 10%, is accepted at the time they first sent, and most of the time they are accepted only subject to revision. Actually, anything apart of “reject,” Neal-Barnett reminds that a positive review is. They include:
” Acceptance: “Which almost nobody gets,” she says.
* Accept with a revision: “Just make some minor modifications.”
Resubmit and revise: “They’re still interested in you!”
* Reject and resubmit While not as great as revise and submit “they still want to read the paper! “[2]
Consider every critique as positive suggestion for something that you can explain more precisely
14. Don’t panic
After you have read the review the first time, set it away. Return to it in the future and read the review carefully to determine if the criticisms were legitimate and how you can respond to the issues. It is common for reviewers offer criticisms which aren’t on point due to misinterpreting a particular aspect of your work. If that’s the case, don’t allow it to affect you and simply write that section of your essay in a clearer manner so that this misinterpretation won’t occur again.
It’s a bit of a sting to see the paper rejected due to an error However, at least it’s something that you can rectify. However, criticizing the writing might require more significant revisions, such as revising your ideas, running more tests, or rewriting the analysis.
15. Rejected? Remain Positive
If your work has been rejected, try again! Consider the critiques and attempt to revise the paper in response to the critiques of the reviewer. “Remember that to be able to obtain lots of publications, Professional New York Publishers will also require a large number in rejections,” says Edward Diner Dr. Edwin, who is the editor of the APA’s Journal of Personality and Social Psychology Personality Processes and Personal Differences.
16. Common mistakes
The wrong sequence is in the Table and Figure numbers
Columns are not aligned correctly
The use of figures from a different paper without credit or the author’s permission
17. Where can you publish
Generally speaking, there are three options:

* National Conference: A conference is an ideal venue for those who are new to the field since the degree of scrutiny is very low. Conferences will take papers that provide details on the comparative study of current technologies that are mathematically tested, but not tested ideas, etc.

* International Conference: A conference is an excellent playground for students who are intermediate. The format is similar to National Conference but the securitization will be greater.

The conference format allows for a rapid publication time as well as the chance to receive feedback on your work once you make it available for presentation.

The length of pages and the acceptance criteria differ from conference to conference but generally, conference paper lengths are less than full-length journal articles.
* Journal Papers: Journal papers are typically considered to be the Alfa as well as Omega of papers published and are considered to be more valuable than conferences.