The attention span of website visitors today has gone down by quite a margin. They skim content instead of reading the whole page. If they do not find what they need in 15 seconds, they will leave for another website.
Website visitors these days are no longer clueless. They too have an idea of how a website should be and what it should have and not have. The problem is not in the website visitor nor with the design solely. The problem can happen when the attention span of users is not given due consideration.
Website visitors and users today have short spans of attention as mentioned earlier. The same goes for their patience span. Web designers and developers should keep this in consideration and make sure they make a website that caters to these factors.
Web design factors to consider to improve attention span of users
Keeping in line with the latest web design trends, here are some factors which should be taken seriously by both web designers and web developers to make sure they design website which is inline with accessibility guidelines and takes in real time consideration, the attention span of users and website visitors:
Beauty lies in details
Visually appealing web design can attract customers by going beyond boundaries to make sure they have caught their attention for a long time. It should be noted that visitors to a website often notice the small details which can affect their experience.
It would be wise for web designers to make sure they pay attention to each kind of detail. They should work together with web developers to improve the user experience at all costs. This can affect the business, brand or company in numerous ways.
Taking care of the little details means taking in consideration the expectations of users.
Deploying the concept of minimalism
The concept of minimalism indicates that the adage less is more does not mean being frugal. It means using the needed color palette, fonts, borders, shadows and other design elements whilst keeping white space. This helps individuals focus their attention on the content instead of being swayed away by elements.
Web designers must avoid overdoing their designs. They should make things as readable and simple as possible. Cluttering web pages with a truck load of elements won’t help the content become noticed and will also not be in line with rules of accessibility.
Consistency and proper placement of web design elements
Websites should always have a certain unique look, feel and vibes. This is usually dependent on the brand and branding messaging the website’s owner wishes to deploy, or has deployed. The elements should always be placed in a cohesive and consistent pattern, especially colors, fonts, alignments and other elements too.
Consistency in layout helps users understand the website’s concept. It should always be intuitive and be as interactive as it can be to raise engagement and interaction.
Maintaining Proper Placement of elements
Regardless of how mundane it sounds, placement is important. Randomly placing images, content and other elements will make the website look much noisier than usual. In fact, it would be really wise to make sure the website is not a noisy mess.
Each element should be placed properly. It should not be added randomly. The schemes, colors, fonts, themes and content should go in a flow that is not just pleasing but also understandable, readable and comprehensible.
Adding excessive elements to a website makes it look like a mess. Users become overwhelmed and then they go to other websites. Clutter, a lack of spontaneity, a lack of creative touch and a clear lack of proper placement will make the website look like a dump.
Professionals from a website design company in Dubai often are concerned about designers adding excessive elements. Those who once worked in print will usually try converting the same experience from print to digital, which often ends up badly.
Web design should be done responsibly and should be responsive. Reading on a computer screen is different when compared to reading on a mobile screen.
Web designers should do their best to make sure they are able to create a worthwhile experience for visitors and users through intuitive and minimal design. As always, they are welcome in providing ideas, input and feedback to add to the web design tactics.