8 Things Every UI/UX Designer Should Know About 

UI/UX Designing Factors

UI (User Interface) and UX (User Experience) are the design of products, services and interfaces to make them easy to use. It involves many aspects like visual design, interaction design, information architecture and more. The good UI/UX design services will make a product or website easier to use, simpler, faster and more accessible for your users.

1-UX is a Huge Part of the Interaction

UX is a huge part of the interaction with any product or website. It’s not just about the interface but also the experience of using it. UX designers are responsible for the overall experience of using a product, not just its look and feel. It means that you’ll need to understand how users interact with your design, what they expect from it, and how to ensure those expectations are met (or exceeded).

2-Skeuomorphism was a Design Movement

Skeuomorphism is a design style that uses real-world references in digital interfaces. Apple popularized it with the release of iOS 7, and it has since become a staple of many other companies, including Google and Facebook.

In its most basic form, skeuomorphism refers to the use of physical objects as metaphors for other aspects of software or technology – like paper documents or books (Microsoft Word), paper maps (GPS), or even paper money (PayPal). In some cases, these items are even realistic enough that you’d need an actual physical item before you could access certain features on your phone or tablet!

3-The 8-Point Grid is Essential for UI Designer

The 8-point grid is an essential system for aligning content on a screen. It can be used to align text, images and other objects to create balance and symmetry, making it easier for users to understand what they’re seeing.

The 8-point grid is based on a ratio of 2:3 (two units wide by three units high). It means you should always keep your design consistent when using the grid. For example, if you have an image five pixels wide but four lines of text next to it, then those two elements should be aligned with each other according to this new system. However, if their widths were different, then there would be confusion about how they relate!

4-Apple’s HIG (Human Interface Guidelines) is a Useful Resource

The Apple Human Interface Guidelines (HIG) are a set of guidelines for designing apps. It’s a good resource to use when creating an app. Notably, it has been updated several times since its first publishing in 1997.

5-Consistency is Key in UI/UX Design

Consistency is the key to making your UI/UX design easy for users to navigate. It’s also important for branding and usability, accessibility, performance and more.

  • Branding: Consistency in brand colors, fonts, and imagery will help your brand stand out from competitors’ offerings much faster.
  • Usability: Having a consistent design language makes navigating an app faster because viewers can identify which elements belong together based on color scheme alone. Suppose there are too many variations between elements within an app (for example, different shapes). It becomes harder for users when they’ll have no idea where anything might be located within the interface.

6-Logo Design is Part of the Overall UI/UX

Logo design is part of the overall UI/UX.

Therefore, the logo design should be simple and memorable. Try to keep it consistent across all platforms, appropriate to your brand, easy to read at small sizes, and relevant to what you’re offering.

7-Information Architecture (IA) is an Important Part of UX Design

Information architecture (IA) is the way your UI/UX designers can organize your content. It’s important because it helps users find what they are looking for, understand how to use a product and know what to expect from a product.

8-UX Designers Work Closely with Stakeholders and Users

UX designers work closely with stakeholders and users. They understand that various people are involved in creating a website or app. They include business owners, product managers, developers and more.

UI/UX designers must communicate their ideas clearly so everyone can understand them. They also need to know how each stakeholder’s goals align with the user’s needs. In this way, they can create products that meet all parties’ desires at once.


In conclusion, a UI/UX design is about making the product easy to use and understand. The right design can make your website or app more accessible and memorable to visitors. It would help if you thought of this as a way to help users get what they need faster while minimizing frustration.