How to Make A Lectern In Minecraft? A Complete Guide



The Lectern, a type of storage container, is a block that allows players to store books inside. When a book is placed in the Lectern, it becomes ‘written.’ By right-clicking on the Lectern, one can open an interface allowing them to remove single books or all books from the Lectern without eliminating the actual block of their world.

Minecraft Lectern VS Normal Bookshelves: What are they?

Bookshelves are blocks used for decorative purposes and hold no real drive other than looking nice in your bedroom – or are thyey? In truth, they have a very secret use! These shelves may appear just for decoration, but they work just like an item frame, allowing you to display your most precious books while not in use. The only difference between the two is that bookshelves hold nine while lecterns hold 36.

What is the purpose of a lectern?

A lectern is a platform that holds a speaker’s notes and books. Initially, a lectern was a pedestal-based study desk with a tilted top that used liturgical display books, including such Bibles, liturgical traditions, and breviaries, during religious services.

Crafting Lectern + Book = Book and Lectern

Crafting a book and Lectern is relatively simple, requiring three planks (any type will do) and one piece of paper for the book portion – the Lectern requires one iron ingot for both components. All in all, this recipe should cost at least 6-7 iron ingots to craft this storage option.

Usage & Advice

Lecterns are incredibly useful when placed beside their corresponding writing desks (which can also be crafted with four wooden planks and one paper), as they allow you to store far more books than the nine you can hold on to a regular bookshelf. They are also effortless to craft, so it is advised that until further updates arrive for this nifty block, you keep two or three of them always stocked up near your writing desks. You never know when inspiration will strike, after all!

What is Lectern?

The Lectern is a block that facilitates reading and displaying written books in Minecraft. It allows us to manage our bookshelf and provides additional information about the selected book (author, title…).

Making Lectern

To make an item Lectern, we need three blocks of wood. In the upper area of the item, there is a shelf with 16 slots to place books. By default, the Lectern is located on top of a block of wood from which it took its shape (which means that even if you break this temporary base and then replace it with another one, the Lectern will remain placed at the same position).

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Use of Lectern

One of the most common uses of this piece is to create a command block system that automatically records all book titles in our library. Then we connect the Lectern to a computer (we do it using Redstone signals), and thanks to an automatic command, each time we place a new book in our library, the title will be added to our inventory. A solution like this allows us to build complete bibliographies for free servers without having us to get up from the computer.

Advantages of Lectern:

This is something that can also be done using dispensers or bookshelves, but there are some advantages to this idea:

Inventory with book name and author

The items in our inventory have a name and an author, allowing us to find specific information in an extensive library quickly.

No need of Redstone

We do not need a Redstone signal for each bookcase, saving us space and resources.

Easy Configuration

With a command block, we can configure it so that when we put new items in the Lectern, they will be added to the list of titles without going back into our leaves. This is especially useful when writing tutorials (for example), where you want all your books with quick access.

Decorative Element

 Lecterns can also serve as a beneficial decorative element since they can also be placed individually (without linking them to the corresponding writing desk). We can place them in our homes, where they will look great with their bright wooden texture. It would not be strange to put a few of these Lecterns in your castle or palace to give it more charm and decoration.

It occupies less space –

Considering that it requires a full Writing Desk to work correctly if we place both items together, they will occupy almost three blocks in height.

Placement of Lectern:

It is important to remember that if we want to use this block properly, we must place it next to the corresponding Writing Desk. Since this piece is technically an item frame, any book which occupies both objects will appear duplicated on both – having only one of each allows us to display only one text at a time while using two lecterns makes no real sense (because then you will not be able to see both titles at the same time). 

Other method to make Lectern:

In the upper area of the item, there is a shelf with 16 slots to place books. By default, the Lectern is located on top of a block of wood from which it took its shape (which means that even if you break this temporary base and then replace it with another one, the Lectern will remain placed at the same position).

1. Block id & block data

Block id: 162 Name: lectern Data value: 1            / 0, a positive integer indicating how far away an inventory is from the ground. A negative value indicates the distance between a block and a structure below it. 2            / Number of books in lectern 3            / Whether the Lectern is currently occupied by a single book (true/false)

2. Recipes and usage

The following image shows all the possible structures in which you can place books or Lecterns. The ‘L’ essential highlights items in your inventory.

3. Crafting grid

 3 blocks of wood. You must click on each of them to select right-click on one side to move it. 4            / Using the Lectern 5 / Adding books using an empty hand 6            / Editing title & author 7     Bookshelves / Command Block System with lector. Place a new book and just get mentioned Titles z command.


We can use this block in conjunction with a command block system (described here), where all titles are generated automatically when we put them down, instead of writing them all by hand. This is especially useful for minigames s where you need to tell the player an infinite number of titles or for helping players create their bibliographies through tutorial maps.